My Hobby

Hello my friends! I returned to the blog and today i'm gonna talk about my hobby - Tribal Dance. The tribal dance is an activity and ritual from the East of the world. This dance is very popular because only woman can dance and enjoy this ritual.

I knew this dance because in summer I participed in belly dancing and i found this activity very relaxing and funny. Also, i connected again with my body and my conscience, so when that series of encounters ended i looked for others and i found the tribal dance.

I dance every Wednesday and Saturday. On wednesday i go to "La 22" in La Florida. "La 22", is a squat house and on Saturday I go to Cueto, a squat house too. My classmates are women of  different ages. I have classmates from 30 to 18 years old and they have differents ocupations.

In Spotify, you can find a list of music from East world. The name is mi "ATS" and it is very interesting music, i really like it.

In this link you can listen to Bounce - Solace (Tribal DANCE)

Well, i hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you next week.


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